Building a Non-Anxious Life

Table of Contents

3 Lessons

  1. You’re not broken just because you struggle with anxiety.
  2. Anxiety is simply an alarm system. The body is trying to tell you that something is wrong and you need to address it for your own safety. This alarm system can go haywire and become habitual, but it almost always starts with a legitimate trigger, whether concsiouc or subconscious.
  3. Building a non-anxious life can be broken down into six daily choices that, with intentionality, can usher in waves of peace

3 Actionable Takeaways

  1. Remember that I am not in charge of my life. I am not the master. I can’t control everything. Remember God’s role and that it’s a whole lot bigger than yours. Trust in that.
  2. Be present and mindful. Turn off the music. Go for walks and think. Feel the pain of a workout. Feel the joy of connection with loved ones.
  3. Push yourself to meet new friends and don’t only be complacent with current ones. Reach out to people and talk even when you don’t feel like it. Connection breeds peace. Lean on it.


Choosing Reality

Your body keeps the score. It knows things you may be consciously ignoring. It knows when you are about to lose your job. It knows you’re not taking care of your health. It knows when you’re not putting in the work you know you need to. Ignoring it is not a true option to have a peaceful life. Confront reality, listen to the alarms that your body is ringing, and address the source of the issue.

Choosing Connection

Dr. Doloney eloquently says that if your body will let you be lonely without waking you up at 3 AM to do something about it, it’s doing you a disservice. Your body knows the importance of connection. It’s not an option. It’s not a personality thing. You need deep connection and people that have your back in order to feel truly safe and at peace.

Choosing Freedom

Are you still doing Christmas the way your in-laws want you to? Does your boss run your life? Cultivating freedom in your life to make your own decisions is a prudent effort any way you can.

Choosing Health and Healing

Again, your body know when you’re not taking care of it. Taking care of your physical health is paramount to experience good mental health.

Choosing Mindfulness

We live a reactionary and distracted life these days. Finding even a moment to simply think to yourself can be rare. This constant stimulation and lack of presence plays a huge role in sounding our anxiety alarms. A simple daily meditation can make a world of difference. For me, choosing mindfulness looks like taking off my earphones when I workout every once in a while. Put down all electronic devices when talking to my wife at night.

Choosing Belief

This tenant turned out to be the biggest for me. I have grown up and remained a Christian my whole life. My faith has always been top priority but sometimes I become very entrenched in what I’m trying to do and forget that I’m not that master of my life. God can take the backseat and I can start thinking that everything is up to me. Remembering that I am not in control can be scary, but trusting in God’s plans leads to peace and an ever present feeling of joy.