3 Lessons
- Effectiveness is doing the right things well. It is a focus on contribution
- Effectiveness is not the default state, but it can be learned.
- Most people are not effective because they don’t know their strengths and they don’t know where they time is going.
3 Actionable Takeaways
- Know thy strengths, and know thy time
- To know strength = Feedback analysis
- Take on new roles; predict your abilities; review 6 months later
- i.e. you volunteer at a chiropractic screening; predict your ability to make small talk with random people; review later to determine if your prediction stacked up with your actual performance.
- List some different roles and responsibilities and find what you don’t know if you are good at or not and go test it.
- To know thy time = Time Log
- Track your work time for a week or two. Start with maybe just your 3 most important hours of work
- Set an alarm every hour and write down everything you got done in that hour. Even write down the little things.
- Then determine the amount of time each hour that was spent doing things that were a unique contributor to success. How much time did you spend doing things that only you could do; work that contributed, and used your strengths.
- To know strength = Feedback analysis
- Create a stop doing list with your time log
- include all the common distractions, useless meetings, urgent but insignificant problems, and good but not great opportunities.
- Create an offload list
- All the things that could be done by someone else just as well eif not better than by yourself.
- Cleaning, data entry, formatting documents, etc.
- All the things that could be done by someone else just as well eif not better than by yourself.
- Create a To Do list
- After creating the stop doing and offload list, use your time audit to create a list of things that only you can do to make a unique contribution using your strengths.